Reporting Date: >= [[ get_from_date() ]]
Reporting Date: <= [[ get_to_date() ]]
datastream = [[ val ]]
committee = [[ val ]]
organisation = [[ val ]]
data_theme = [[ val ]]
tags = [[ val ]]
source_type = [[ val ]]
dataset = [[ val ]]
- Abundance and Distribution of Cetaceans 2
- Abundance and Distribution of Mammals 10
- Assessment Units 0
- Benthic Habitats 20
- Comprehensive Atmospheric Monitoring Programme (CAMP) 0
- Discharges of Radionuclides from the Non-Nuclear Sectors 18
- Discharges, Spills and Emissions from Offshore Oil and Gas Installations 16
- Dumping and Placement of Wastes or Other Matter at Sea 8
- EMODnet Human Activities 12
- Encounters with Dumped Chemical and Conventional Munitions 25
- Environmental Monitoring of Radioactive Substances 56
- Eurostat 2
- Eutrophication Status 64
- Extraction of Marine Sediments 1
- Fishing for Litter 10
- Food webs 15
- Habitats in the North-East Atlantic Ocean 3
- Hazardous Substances 1
- IA2017 85
- Inputs of Heavy Metals 3
- Inputs of Nutrients 3
- Inventory of Offshore Installations 11
- Levels and Trends in Marine Contaminants and their Biological Effects 29
- Liquid Discharges from Nuclear Installations - Nuclear Sector 28
- Litter ingested by Sea Turtles 4
- Mapping of Bottom Fishing Intensity 24
- Marine Birds 12
- Marine Litter Beach Monitoring 27
- Marine Mammals 1
- Marine Protected Areas Network 2
- Mercury losses from the Chlor-alkali Industry 21
- NEAFC Regulatory Areas 0
- Noise 39
- Non-Indigenous Species 6
- Ocean Acidification 1
- Offshore Renewable Energy 15
- OSPAR Regions 9
- Other Effective Area-Based Conservation Measures 2
- Pelagic Habitats 19
- Plastic Particles in the Stomachs of Seabirds 24
- Recovery of sensitive fish species 308
- Riverine Inputs and direct Discharges (RID) 11
- Seabed Litter 39
- Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems 0
- BDC 424
- Cross cutting 109
- EIHA 191
- HASEC 132
- OIC 27
- RSC 102
- AAMP 0
- BfN 0
- Bioforsk 0
- ICES 69
- JNCC 3
- MCS 0
- NIBIO 11
- NILU 0
- NRPA 56
- OSPAR Commission 810
- Rijkswaterstaat 0
- Biological Diversity and Ecosystems 400
- Cross cutting 124
- Environmental Impacts of Human Activity 192
- Hazardous Substances and Eutrophication 132
- Offshore Industry 27
- OSPAR Reference Files 9
- Radioactive Substances 102
- Shapefile Upload
- External Data Source
- Other Files
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[[ search_results.count ]] Search Results
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Datastream: [[ ]]
Dataset: [[ ]]
Committee: [[ ]]
Organisation: [[ ]]
Data Theme: [[ ]]
Tags: [[ ]]