IA2017 Phaeocystis - Data Snapshot

1 February 2017

Trends in blooms of nuisance phytoplankton species Phaeocystis

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Publication Date 21-Dec-2017
Title IA2017 Phaeocystis - Data Snapshot
Keywords Species distribution
Abstract Data snapshot supporting IA2017 Indicator Assessment Trends in Blooms of the Nuisance Phytoplankton Species Phaeocystis in Belgian, Dutch and German Waters. Trends in blooms of nuisance phytoplankton species Phaeocystis is one of a suite of five eutrophication indicators. When assessed and considered together in the OSPAR Common Procedure in a multi-step method, the suite can diagnose eutrophication. There are no observed temporal trends in the annual blooms of the nuisance phytoplankton species Phaeocystis along the Belgian, Dutch and German coast; nevertheless abundance is high. [Version 001]
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