IA2017 Inputs of Mercury, Cadmium and Lead via Water and Air - Data Snapshot

1 January 2017

Inputs of Mercury, Cadmium and Lead via Water and Air to the Greater North Sea

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Publication Date 20-Sep-2017
Title IA2017 Inputs of Mercury, Cadmium and Lead via Water and Air - Data Snapshot
Keywords Contaminants/Pollutants (Inorganic/Organic)
Abstract Data snapshot supporting IA2017 Indicator Assessment Inputs of Mercury, Cadmium and Lead via Water and Air to the Greater North Sea.Heavy metals are hazardous because they can cause adverse biological effects on an organism’s activity, growth, metabolism, reproduction or survival. Three of the most toxic heavy metals are mercury, cadmium and lead. Total inputs of mercury, cadmium and lead to the Greater North Sea have reduced, since 1990. However, improved analytical procedures for mercury and cadmium since 1990 make it difficult to be certain what proportion of observed changes are due to reduced discharges and emissions. [Version 001]
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